Tuesday, November 17, 2009

C.K. Prahalad Gives a speech on the markets at the base of the piramid

C.K. Prahalad is considered the most influential business thinker in the world.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Alegerea Pozitionarii Unui Brand - Nicolae NAUMOF - PICANT:

Prezentare Video despre alegerea pozitionarii unui brand - stabilirea brand essence-ului.

Monday, November 2, 2009

How to motivate people - Dan PINK

Great short speech by Dan PINK on how to motivate people in the 21st century.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Dan PINK gives a great lecture about economic evolution

I found this lecture extremely interesting and useful. Daniel PINK talks about what abilities we should develop in order to adapt to the new stage in economic development.
Thanks Bogdan for the tip!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Interview with Steve Jobs and Bill Gates

A great interviu with two of the top visionary leaders in business and IT.
It is from 2007.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Introduction to Psichology Course

This is a introduction to Psichology course from Berkeley University from California.
The course is devided into 25 lectures.
I found this course very usefull in my work.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Buy.ology by Martin Lindstrom |Book Brief

This is a video promoting the book Buy.ology. It gives very interesting information. I've read another book by Martin Lindstrom and I believe that his one is worth reading.

Seth Godin on the tribes we lead

Seth Godin argues the Internet has ended mass marketing and revived a human social unit from the distant past: tribes.

Seth Godin on social networking

Seth Godin Speaks about social media.

Seth Godin on Standing Out

Seth Godin giving a speech on remarcable things in "The pure Seth Godin Style"

Friday, October 9, 2009

An interview with Malcolm Gladwell at The Hour show

A great interview with Malcom Gladwell on his book Outliers. Very good interview and a funny one also.

Nicolae NAUMOF - PICANT: Cum dam vestea buna clientilor astfel incat acestia sa o duca mai departe

Prezentare despre marketingul modern centrat in jurul unui produs exceptional sau in jurul unui pret foarte mic, despre ofertele care se auto-propaga in piata - marketing modern.

Nicolae NAUMOF - PICANT: Particularitati ale participarii la Targuri si Expoziti

Prezentare video despre particularitatile comunicarii prin participarea la targuri si expozitii comparativ cu alte tehnici de comunicare de marketing.

Nicolae NAUMOF - PICANT: Pretul ca element al mixului de marketing

Prezentare video despre Pret ca element al mixului de marketing - ce este pretul, cum se stabileste pretul unui produs sau serviciu, tipuri de preturi la lansarea pe piata etc.

Malcolm Gladwell - Why do some succeed where others fail? What makes high-achievers different?

Malcom Gladwell talks about the factors that bring succes to some people and for some others not.
This subject is form Malcom Gladwell's latest book OUTLIERS.

Malcolm Gladwell: What we can learn from spaghetti sauce

Makcom Gladwell speaking about clustering, one of the subjects from his book Blink.
Very interesting for marketers.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Guy Kawasaki: The Power of ‘No Bull Shiitake’

A very interesting talk with Guy Kawasaki on entrepreneurship, management, leadership and his experience at Apple.

Guy Kawasaki "The Art of the Start"

A really great lecture on entrepreneurship by Guy Kawasaki based on his book „The art of a Start”

Seth Godin about things that don't work because of stupid reasons

Seth Godin giving a great speech on things that "are broken" that could easily work just fain.

Guy Kawasaki presenting his project Truemors

A great speaker on entrepreneurship and a great entrepreneur. In this presentation Guy Kawasaki talks about his project Truemors.

David Aaker speaking on "Spanning Silos"

Marketing Guru Davind Aker gives a very good lecture on Spanning Silos

Jack Welch Interview

A very inspiring talk with Jack Welch former CEO at General Electric (GE).

Who Moved My Cheese ?

This video is a classic. A great story about change and handling change.
Who Moved My Cheese ?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Andrei Plesu despre capitalismul karaoke

Un colaj al discursului domnului Andrei Plesu de la conferinta cu autorii Funky Business. Este profund si spumos.

The Funksters live: Kjell and Jonas in conference

A short passage from the conference held by the authors of Funky Business and Karaoke Capitalism.

Seth Godin: Ideas That Spread, Win

A short video with Seth Godin about winning ideas.

All Marketers are Liars" - Seth Godin speaks at Google

A good speech by Seth Godin in his own unique style. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6909078385965257294&ei=sVyKSprUEJDJ-Abn_9WjBA&q=seth+godin

iWoz: From Computer Geek to Cult Icon: How I Invented the Personal Computer, Co-Founded Apple, and Had Fun Doing It

Steve Wozniak speaks about the beginnings of Apple. A good lecture on entrepreneurship and technology.


The Time Paradox - Phillip Zimbardo

This is a great lecture given by Phillip Zimbardo on how people view time.

I highly recommend this lecture to all marketers or communication professionals.

Also it is of great use for self-awareness.


Phillip Zimbardo - The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil

The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil.

This is a great lecture given by Professor Zimbardo on human behavior in different environments. It mentions the Stanford prison experiment conducted by Professor Zimbardo.

Steve Jobs speach at Standford

It’s pretty old (2005), but it’s a great motivational speech.

It really is helpful to review it when things seem to go bad.